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Experts concluded most suitable elevator car Decor

       Domestic high-rise building projects continue to emerge, the number of elevators has increased rapidly, and the resulting demand elevator car decoration projects. Thus, in some high-end office buildings, hotels, hotels and other places, the owners of the elevator and decorating. Need to attract users and elevator maintenance organization noted that the transformation of the car decoration car weight will increase, leading to balance of the elevator, the traction conditions change, reducing the actual load of the elevator, so that affect the normal operation of the elevator is very small, and some units of the elevator car is not only carried out after decoration, and while adjusting the overload protection device, still in accordance with the rated load operation, thus giving the normal operation of the elevator brought some unfavorable factors. Excessive decoration may even buried serious accidents, will lift the hoisting rope, the hoisting machine, safety gear, brakes and other impact, resulting in greatly reduced service life.

       On the elevator balance coefficient

       Balance coefficient is Traction drive elevator key performance indicators, heavy use of the car and can be part of balancing the weight of the load in the car, so the traction motor load reduction. Since the size of the car load is constantly changing, and focuses on the elevator after installation is completed has been fixed and can not be changed at any time, to make the elevator run substantially close to the ideal state of equilibrium, so, you must choose a suitable balance coefficient.

       On the braking performance of the elevator safety gear

       Safety gear system to stop the car in the process, due to the kinetic energy of the car, the car or with the wedge clamping member relative movement, wedges or clamping member in the jaw while stuck rail deformation, thereby absorbing energy. When you configure the size of the safety gear during the selection, to be able to absorb energy in accordance with the operating speed governor and safety gear clamp body, calculate the maximum operating speed corresponding to the maximum allowable total mass, only the choice of total allowable mass range of safety gear in order to ensure the stopping performance of safety gear. According to GB7588-2003 requirements, in addition to the need to adopt appropriate safety gear form (transient or progressive) than the rated speed according to the elevator when the safety gear selection. We must also consider the elevator is suitable for a maximum operating speed corresponding to the maximum permissible gross mass.

       In summary. For the latter Supervision, Inspection and lift the elevator car does need further renovation Decor elevator, the elevator should be modified by the manufacturer or the requirements of the transformation of qualified units. When technological innovation, and clear the elevator balance coefficient values of design parameters, design parameters of the car, the elevator car and other aspects of the accounting books should be made in writing to ensure compliance with safety requirements for elevator operating parameters.

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