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Elevator reducer maintenance technology

       Reducer should operate smoothly without vibration, the main requirement is a worm and worm eating together well. Since the worm, worm wear, resulting backlash increases will cause vibration of the car is running. At this point adjustable worm shaft bearing pads at both ends of the base. Such as its worm shaft eccentric shaft structure, can be eccentric worm shaft bearing cap bolts loose, rotating the shaft to adjust the bite bonded backlash. About backlash range should be based on the provisions of the production plant adjusted because it has a direct relationship with the tooth, lubricants, structure, process and so on.

       Elevator start, braking, speed change in the car, reversing run a greater sense of shock and vibration, may be due to wear and tear caused by the screw thrust bearing axial clearance increases due. At this point we can turn the worm shaft flange, adjusting nut and the storm worm shaft flange pad or replace thrust thrust bearing. Axial clearance should be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the production plant. Backlash and axial clearance must be performed by an experienced professional training | adjust staff.

       Deceleration of the chassis body lubricant, should be readily observed in accordance with the position of the oil level shown to add. Tank cleaning every six months work and replaced with new oil. Lubricating oil refinery in Lanzhou recommended 150 or 320 number. Cover, peephole, and other engagement with the bearing cap at the box should not have oil leakage. Such as the worm protruding end packing seal, should always observe the drop of oil, it should be 3 to 5 minutes 1 drop. Packing adjustment cap nut, not squeeze too tight, so as to avoid the occurrence of the worm axle failure. As the worm protruding end mechanical seal structure, the leaking oil is found it should be replaced. Rolling worm shaft should be 3 ~ 5g monthly injection of calcium-based grease, to ensure that the space is filled bearing chamber 2/3. Gearbox temperature rise should not exceed 60. C, the highest oil temperature not higher than 80 ℃. When Rolling uneven noise, percussion or the temperature is too high, it is timely repair or replacement. Always check the gear couplings at the bolts should be no loosening.

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