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Test methods elevator up overspeed protection

      Uplink overspeed protection device of the present model of the elevator consists of two parts: a two-way direct acting governor and safe operation of the switch contacts in the hoisting shaft brake. Test its effectiveness should be used as follows:

      1. Run the car to the bottom station confirmed by the car load with electronic board CHCS and DDO button to make it to cancel the red door and outbound operations.

      2. modify the drive parameters server software (path 3-1) Duty Speed, Rated rpm and Nom Speed (path 3-5) to make the new operating speed slightly greater than the governor nameplate electrical actuation speed or the rated speed 150%

      3. Run the car up to speed revised, should

      [1] governor speed governor switch can be triggered automatically;

      [2] After the governor switch is triggered elevator should automatically stop the electric drive and the brake can brake the car.

      4. Use the control cabinet overhaul means the elevator in the ERO mode and pressing the emergency stop switch, and then reset the speed limiter switch and restore the modified software parameters.

      5. Restore the emergency stop switch has two modes summon elevators verify normal operation by ERO and servers. Once verified you can press the button CHCS and DDO electronic board, make the red light off to recover outbound and door operation.


      1. Switch to switch to the ERO must restore the software to modify the parameters of the normal mode, or is likely to trigger the safety gear.

      2. The lifting height of the elevators 5 meters below its upstream test methods for overspeed protection device, please contact your immediate supervisor.

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