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2015 main elevator safety

       The successful completion of the elevator safety supervision work of the General Assembly war

       Promoting safe elevator lift elevator liability insurance emergency response level for proper disposal demands of society and to strengthen the supervision and inspection of administrative penalty early warning security check carried out ongoing maintenance units star evaluation deepen awareness training efforts.
By 2015, according to the AQSIQ, Jiangsu Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau, the municipal government work deployment requirements, the Nanjing Bureau of Quality Supervision elevator carry out a comprehensive safety supervision work of the General Assembly battle, unified deployment, efforts to exclude the "elevator problem", "hidden elevator "the implementation of corporate self-correction, dependency checks rectification, municipal supervision and guidance to ensure that the city's elevator safety.

       Organization of the city the use of elevators, repair and maintenance units in the elevator by one self-correction, on this basis, the city organized special equipment safety supervision system has dispatched inspectors group 235, 2670 passengers to check the use of units 748, check the lift table 6608 issued safety supervision instructions 213; found the problem and archiving elevator 610 units, 603 units to complete the rectification, the government submitted to supervise the handling of seven, supervise the handling of the elevator to complete the rectification 2, and the remaining five are SUSPENSION. Promote renovation of old elevator 32, the elevator safety organized into 96 community screenings. City special prosecutor hospital involved in the preparation of "In the elevator Safety Assessment Guidelines - traction drive elevator (Trial)" issued by the AQSIQ. Special Equipment Safety Leading Group Office of the General Assembly war platform and compiled quarterly magazine, exchange of experiences, progress and inform the district security elevator. Held on the spot in gaochun district to promote lift grid regulatory experience. Promote residential elevator failure maintenance funds extracted into the "Nanjing Property Ordinance," "green" channel. People's Daily and other media for the elevator safety supervision work of the General Assembly war carried a report published manuscript 96 parts, elevator war work of the General Assembly to create a strong atmosphere. Congress battle effectiveness of the State Security Committee to get the elevator inspection special investigation group received.

       Comprehensively promote elevator safety liability insurance

       By 2015, the municipal government office issued "Opinions on Promoting the elevator liability insurance," the elevator liability insurance included in the 2015 law Nanjing construction 10 facts, in accordance with the "Government to promote, market, integrated, coordinated to promote and improve the mechanism to implement the principle of responsibility, "the orderly implementation of the elevator liability insurance, to further improve the elevator accident assistance system, enhance risk management and control and the responsibility to implement.

       Push elevator liability insurance into the city district government safety committee for the annual assessment, commissioned by a third party on the city's 600,000 residents paid 1.5 million residential district elevator safety brochures, elevator liability insurance. Elevator insurance consulting service hotline opened the window for easy handling and insurance consulting. As of the end of December, a total of 8990 elevators insurance, where the insured public gathering places lift 6400 units, accounting for 91% of the city's public gathering places of the elevator, the smooth realization of the municipal government issued 80% of the assessment objectives.

       Elevator lift emergency response level

       Nanjing 96333 elevator emergency telephone hotline 34430 total annual take at times, disposal elevator entrapment fault since 6944, 9673 rescue trapped people. The average daily take at the phone 94 times, dispose of trapped people fault 19 onwards, rescue workers arrived at the scene the average time of 11.49 minutes, shorter than the state's 30 minutes almost 19 minutes, the scene rescue an average of 4.57 minutes to reach the national advanced level. Reception visited around 55 research grant of more than 400 people. Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, the city hospital and the special prosecutor China Special Equipment Safety and Energy Research Association jointly prepared "elevator emergency response platform technical specifications," the field of special equipment to become the country's first community standards, the special prosecutor hospital for the city of Fujian, Shenzhen, Jiangsu construction and other cities Huaian elevator emergency service platform to provide technical support. Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau approved the establishment of "Jiangsu elevator emergency service data center" in Nanjing Institute of special equipment safety supervision and inspection. AQSIQ Zhi Shuping Secretary on the build quality to enhance the quality of urban development Strong City forum on the city's 96333 emergency elevator fully affirmed the work.

       Proper disposal of the demands of society

       Municipal People's Congress annual handling recommendation 6, 1 part of the city CPPCC proposals, the mayor-mail six, seven Secretary mailbox. Nanjing Bureau of Quality Supervision 12,365 complaints hotline received special device class 530 complaints, of which 474 complaints elevator class, compared with last year fell 7.6%. Of the problem is: people trapped; running off layer; maintenance units not timely maintenance; elevator use was not posted warning signs and safety inspection mark; not extended the subject; and so on for a long time not close. Deepen and test the quality of service performance improvement, City special prosecutor hospital "national civilized unit" and the municipal government department style construction "model offices" honorary title.

       Strengthen supervision and inspection and administrative penalty

       The city's 44 Elevator Maintenance supervision and inspection units, covering the 2015 Rising Star application maintenance units 26, a high rate of re-examination elevators, people trapped high failure rate, the presence of administrative punishment included in the key regulatory scope of maintenance units 18. Found various problems 304; city quality supervision departments and the district market supervision department handled a total lift class administrative penalty cases 20. Which relates to an elevator maintenance unit 7, are not in accordance with safety specifications require maintenance; relates to the use of the elevator unit 13, the use of extended check not lift 53.8%. City housing department to use my Bureau announced elevator maintenance units "black list" of property projects collected quarterly credit review, the property company "black list."

       To carry out early warning security check

       After Hubei "Jingzhou elevator" accident investigation immediately organized by the city's 33 stations the same model Shannon escalator, and the city in 4806 by the escalators, and moving walkways 433 units using a single set of elevator mechanical components of the brake is carried out comprehensive self-examination and a special spot checks, a total of 150 units to check the use of the elevator 979 units, reporting inspection results. City Safety Committee issued a notice to promote the next municipal departments Department of Transportation, Bureau of Commerce, Tourism Committee, Health, Education, etc. led the establishment of seven special inspection teams to the city's elevator manufacturing business and focus on the use of premises to carry out a special inspection of the elevator safety supervision and inspection work. City Board of Education issued a special notice on the 116-passenger station 144 schools, 117 Taiwan lifts 100% investigation. Promote Nanjing Metro Co., Ltd. using the original maintenance, coverage increased to 93.97%.

       Ongoing maintenance work units star rating

       Optimization elevator maintenance units Star rating approach for the first time will be included in the legal assessment of assessment content, and site inspection of the maintenance of the quality management system, legal theory test, 96333 emergency response, the rate of re-examination, elevator liability insurance coverage, etc. comprehensive scoring, Top five-star four, five four-star, 56 three-star, 59 two-star, starless maintenance unit 10, the evaluation results to the public notice.

       Deepening awareness training efforts

       Compiled and made public for the first time, "the 2014 Nanjing elevator security situation." After Jingzhou, Hubei and other places elevator accident occurred, the Organization for Security and timely boarding propaganda, live demonstrations by experts, the elimination of public panic; Xinjiekou shopping district and other crowded places, scrolling animation clips 96333, 96333 to promote its elevator emergency alarm channels. Organize the city's 89 units to carry out elevator maintenance elevator safety into the community 105, organized into 374 square consulting activities, distribution and safe use of elevators posting brochures and 120,000 posters.

       Special equipment safety supervision functions to adapt to change and adjust the regulatory system, strengthen the district special equipment safety supervision personnel training business, the city's new holder of special equipment safety inspectors 230 people, enrich the grassroots regulatory enforcement team; Elevator Maintenance guide units to strengthen the training of personnel and culture, the city Elevator Association team to participate in the first national elevator repairman vocational skills competition, won the first prize for the winning team.

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