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Elevator Maintenance achieve paperless records

       After February this year, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued "Guidance on encouraging the use of paperless Elevator Maintenance records" to encourage paperless elevator maintenance records, Zhoushan Dingxing hand in building two-dimensional code has become fodder Zhoushan City, the first implementation of elevator maintenance records paperless maintenance company.

       Forage Elevator Maintenance dimensional code paperless recording solution is unique in that, after the two-dimensional code label affixed on the elevator, maintenance personnel only need to scan the phone, you can complete maintenance work records for the whole higher maintenance efficiency. In the repair site, Zhoushan Dingxing personally responsible for building the reporter demonstrates how to use the elevator maintenance two-dimensional code, the reporter found that two-dimensional code by elevator maintenance is no longer needed not only paper records, and maintenance units, elevators and other relevant information can also be displayed in detail, very convenient. Zhoushan Dingxing building official told reporters, original human Zhoushan Dingxing building only 500 of elevators Maintenance can now be raised to 700.

       Elevator Maintenance cost two-dimensional code recording system brings savings should not be overlooked. "We can roughly calculate, before each elevator monthly inspection requires eight A4 paper, 500 elevator needs to 4000, but also the follow-up print, prepared for the archives, etc., now we have forage dimensional code without At the same time it takes to A4 paper, printing, the archives more easily, which saves labor and time costs, "to a great extent, responsible for building the Zhoushan Dingxing official said.

       As today's paperless Elevator Maintenance records vanguard, two-dimensional code function fodder elevator maintenance record system is far more than that. It is understood that the elevator maintenance also integrates two-dimensional code and a half, quarter, six months and one year maintenance record four templates, all templates are in strict accordance with the "Special Equipment Safety Technical Specification TSG T5001-2009" requirements of the development, and has been Bureau of Quality Supervision and more recognized. In addition, the maintenance record live pictures, live recordings and add map positioning function also allows employees Zhoushan DINGXING building management more convenient, because the pictures are each a scene with a watermark, the watermark will be displayed after this two-dimensional code scanning time maintenance records, security patrol inspection personnel to the scene on time.

       "Spare parts are patrol officers before an oral application, the presence of indiscriminate application indiscriminate use case, the recording system, all applications are achieved through the scan code to ensure rational use of spare parts," Zhoushan Dingxing buildings Leader added, "forage elevator maintenance is also built two-dimensional code complaints supervision module, and any scan code can be added to make the elevator exception warranty and reporting easier. "

       Elevator Maintenance using two-dimensional code recording system in achieving paperless maintenance, information technology, improving the quality of the elevator routine maintenance as well as efficiency, save a lot of manpower and material costs has played a significant effect. As today's mobile Internet era to create innovative maintenance services, which successfully opened the China Elevator Maintenance intelligent new era. Zhoushan Zhoushan City, the first Dingxing buildings as elevator maintenance records paperless maintenance companies, but also at the forefront of the times.
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